
changing the culture

Action Sports × jesus

Oh what a faithful God we serve. When we donated the Skate Park materials to Camp Goodbuddy in Bellvue Colorado we had no idea what God had in store for us at Forgiven Skate Church. We have built several relationships that will allow us to continue to reach the Action Sports Community in Oklahoma. We now have Forgiven Skate Church Oklahoma City. Our mission will still be at the local skate parks and taking skate trips. WOW just Look at Our God grow us.



We are a local Church bringing Gods Word to the extreme sports community in the HEART of OKC.


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Really Designs who handles all our Clothing Orders.


Forgiven Skate Team Rider’s


Josh Sigmon

I was born and raised in Cherryville Nc. I started skating at the age of 6 because my next door neighbor had a board. One day he brought it over and let me try it out. Unfortunately when I was 15 he passed away in a car accident. I was raised in church, but when Andy passed that’s when I truly got involved with a youth group and skate ministry! Finding my faith at that age changed a lot for me. I met my wife around that time as well when I turned 16 and honestly that was one of the most important moments of my life. God knew I needed someone in that moment. Fast forward 7 years and we get married and move to California. Literally a week after our honeymoon. We moved there so I could pursue skating full time. That was some of the best times of my life, but I knew something was missing. I knew deep down I always wanted to ride for a Christian brand and don’t get me wrong I tried, but I guess the timing wasn’t right. We spent almost four years in California, a lot of amazing times there. In 2021 while we were out there we found out my mom had stage three cancer. In this moment without question we knew we wanted to move back to NC because they gave my mom a year to live. Before I left California I had a contest fundraiser for my mom at cherry park and raised over 1000$. That is one of my biggest accomplishments with my skateboarding. Bringing everyone together like that. Two weeks later we moved back to NC. At that point the doctors change the time frame and gave my mother three months to live and to the day they were spot on. I’m and truly grateful God was with us on the move back to NC and the time I got with my mom, but loosing her really tested my faith. I was angry, sad and most importantly lost. Not only did I lose my mom, but I had to move back to NC from the one place I wanted to live my entire life and that was California. This transition back home was tough, but I continued to stay on my board and use it as an outlet. I put all that anger and focus into filming. Through that I was able to get into Tampa am and compete against some of the best skaters out there! Another huge accomplishment for me as well, but still wasn’t where I wanted to be with my faith. Very on the fence they say. Fast forward a year later and we find out my wife is going to be pregnant. We are gonna have a little boy. For me this is huge. Man was I happy, I definitely think this was the turning point for me. I was so afraid to lose my wife during this process and hearing stories and things like that just had me on edge. I knew our whole life was about to change. I prayed daily, got back into church, and I gave it all to God. I asked him if he took care of Nolan and Misty through this that I would live out the remainder of my life for him. I am far from perfect and I will continue to sin and fall short for the rest of my days, but my Son is almost 8 months old and my wife has fully recovered and I give all thanks to him for that. Forever grateful for the life I have lived and this is just some pieces of it. Thank you Forgiven for giving me this opportunity as a pro to let all this shine through! Means the world!

Micah carbajal

Growing up in a military family, I was always asked if I moved around a lot and that isn’t even close to the truth. I was born in California, spent my childhood in Alaska, and then my teen to adult years in Montana. I know those don’t seem like the most common places to get into skateboarding but I started learning how to push around as a kid up till we moved from Alaska then it got away from me. I wouldn’t start again till I was in Montana at the age of 13 and that’s when I would start learning tricks. As I started going to the skate park, street wasn’t very common but transition skating was. I would start making friends and building a crew that I would skate with all the time and we’d constantly push each other to learn new things. When I graduated high school, I moved to San Francisco for culinary school and that was the skate capital of the world to me and it really widened my love for the sport. After about 9 months I had dropped out and moved back to Montana with my dad and then a year later I would join the Air Force and follow in my dads foot steps. During basic training, all I could think about was skating so when I was stationed in Mississippi for training, I ordered my first set up in 3 months and it all was coming back to me like I never stopped. My first duty station would be in Enid, OK where I would meet Chris with in my first couple weeks and all these years later, he’s still one of greatest friends. I would also meet another great friend of mine in Darrin who would host skate church and still does it to this day and I love seeing it. As 2018-2020 rolled around, it really tested my thought on why I joined to serve. One of my mentors and good friends that I flew with at the beginning of 2018 would be involved in a mishap and when we got the phone call from him knowing he was alive, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. In November of 2019, the story would be different. One of my other mentors and friends who I would look up to and one of the nicest students pilots I knew would lose their lives in a mishap. At that moment, I was mad and upset on why my friends were taken away from this world and I would look up in the sky and ask why with not being able to get the answers I wanted. In the summer of 2020, I would lose another friend of mine and while I’m looking for those answers, I would get even more upset and not understand why these things are happening. I knew I needed a change and a fresh start to help get my head in the right place. I would put in for assignments and I was blessed with Luke AFB in Arizona. Since moving to Arizona, I have been able to skate and progress more than I ever thought I would and on top of that, I would make more friends and connections as my crew and friend group would grow. Another benefit of moving to Arizona, so would be closer to my family. Now I knew around the time I joined the Air Force, my grandpas health wasn’t the best. I would lose him Veterans Day of 2023 and it broke my heart. Knowing he wasn’t in pain anymore and was with his parents again would bring me some sort of comfort. Knowing that he’s in heaven looking down at me and the rest of our family is slowly building my connection with god. Do I fully understand it? Not at all, but as time goes on I really hope I can with him being up there. When this skateboarding journey started, the goal was to always have my name on a board and be a pro someday. Being in my late 20s, I’m still pushing myself to progress but watching the younger generation grow and get to levels they’re at is amazing to see. I can’t thank Forgiven enough for giving me this opportunity and in a way, I feel like I’ve reached my goal. I can’t wait to continue to grow with Forgiven and grow my faith and see where life takes me!


Gabrielle roper

Hi, my name is Gabs! I grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles. From the time I was young, I was taught about who Jesus was. I knew of him very well. I went to church multiple times a week and yet had no relationship with my faith. I knew what to do on the surface, but not inside my spirit. I spent most of my time worried about what people thought of me. I always wanted to please people and do the right thing. When I graduated high school in 2020, I started skating. Unfortunately, here I began getting mixed up in the wrong things. Skateparks often normalize destructive behavior. I began to turn to weed, nicotine, and lots of other destuctive habits. This hurt my soul. I began to feel an ever-present gloom over my life. I often felt like I didn’t have any big emotions at all. Everything was just “whatever.” Through all of this, I always felt like God was trying to reel me back into him. To change my life. But I had no motivation to care or try. One day I was in a terrible car accident. The kind where seconds could cost you your life. I had a thought right in the moment of the collision. “Is that it?" I thought I was going to die. That scared me straight. I suddenly felt the gravity of my mortality. I realized that every day is a gift. And if I have the gift of life, then I am going to use it to know and follow Jesus. I was freed from being perceived by others. I didn’t want to die without a relationship with Christ, and I stopped caring about what other people thought. I started to live differently. I stopped smoking and doing a lot of other stuff. This has drastically changed my life. I don’t have that continuous gloom following me anymore. I feel greater joy. I am more grateful for the mundane things. I know that I am always loved and cared about. Living my life in the way that God wants me to has proven to be the most fulfilling thing to happen to me. Now I am living in Northern Colorado, working for Youth for Christ. Here I get to mentor youth, skate for Jesus, and do a ton of fun activities with kids. 



At Forgiven Skate Church

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Take some time to connect with God everyday.